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- 20th anniversary edition of the CJF International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear
subscribe to news 20th anniversary edition of the CJF International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear
CJF targets buyers, manufactures, suppliers and designers of clothes, footwear and accessories for children and pregnant women. The spring edition of 2018 is the first time that the show runs in three pavilions. The number of exhibitors has increased by 34%, and the number of visitors by 78%. The floor space has expanded by 46.4%.
Dates: 19-22 February 2018
Venue: Pavilions No.1, 3, 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Organized by Expocentre AO
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade
Auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Labels: UFI, RUEF
Exhibition area: 7,500 sq m
Exhibitors: 350 companies
Countries: 24 (Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, Ukraine, the USA)
Types of products on display:
Product Sectors: clothes for children, footwear for children accessories for children, clothes for pregnant women, fashion and design
Salons: School Uniforms, CJF.Shoes
Participating companies showcase 400+ brands:
Russian: Acoola, Button Blue, Crockid, Dan&Dani, De Salitto, Duwali, G'n'k, Jacote, Stilnyashka, Atlas Teks, Karamelli, Lucky Child, Malenkaya Ledi, Peremena, Ravol, Sky Lake, Slavyanka, Smena, Sneg, Fantazeri, etc.; newcomers: Sudar, MAG, Carnalove, Patrino, My Baby Gold, etc.
Foreign: Mayoral, Marasil, De Salitto, Primigi, Losan, Luhta, Amadeo, Coccodrillo, Huppa, Sarabanda, Ticket to Heaven, Jums, Deux par Deux, Garvalin, Boboli, Brums, Gusti, MM Dadak, Blue Effect, Lemon Fashion, Bartek, Dr. Kid, Zip Zap, etc.
Show Highlights
1. Pavilion No.1 accommodates Russian and CIS brands. This year there are a lot of newcomers, who are both clothes and footwear manufacturers.
2. Turkish companies occupy Hall 1 of Pavilion No.5. They show clothes of different price categories.
3. Companies from Europe, the USA and Canada occupy Pavilion No.3.
4. The CJF.Shoes Salon has expanded and presents such well-known brands of shoes for children as Tutubi, Obuvopt (Levi's Kids™), Technolux (Kuoma™), Garvalin, Analpa, Skandia, JogDog, Ric-Style (Ricosta), Bartek, Melania Italia, Pablosky, Superfit, Finsklad, Vitacci, Kamik, Gioseppo.
5. This year CJF once again features the Territory of Russian Startups, Small and Micro Business. Russian novice manufacturers will make a name for themselves exhibiting next to the market's largest players. The participants include F-Style, Mihnenka Fashion House (Malinovka™), Mama Tilda, Nyufocey Bech, Chadolini, Yakimok, 2х2, Carnalove, KarinaKino, Kroshkiny Odezhki, Artikl, Svetlyachok, Teen Elegance (Katya Anderzhanova's project for children), Megashapka, Moonky, Eshemoda.
6. On February 19-21, the CJF – Children’s Catwalk 2018. Spring (Pavilion No.3) will bring together leaders of the children's fashion including Malenkaya Ledi, Blue Seven, Yunie Fantazery, Kuoma, Chadolini, Kiviland, Boboli, Shaluny.
7. Trendsquire and Expocentre invite buyers and designers to take part in the Trend Pro project. It demonstrates key trends of seasonal procurements, and offers consultations of a trend expert during the exhibition from 11.00 to 16.00.
8. Trendsquire's experts offer trend tours on outdoor clothing, footwear and accessories for babies and schoolchildren (Pavilion No.3, Stand No.3А50) and casual, sports and festive clothing and footwear (Pavilion No.1, Main Entrance Hall). The tours take place on February 20 and 21 at 14:00.
9. The Business Contacts Exchange and Labour Exchange are organized to help medium and small enterprises and job seekers from Moscow, the Moscow region and other Russian regions (Pavilion No.1, Stand No.12С13).
10. The traditional Expocentre for Counterfeit-Free Exhibition Project, aimed to minimize counterfeit products showcased at exhibitions via providing consultations and clarifications regarding intellectual property, and rendering assistance in solving conflicts connected with violations of exclusive rights, is continued at Stand No.1G01, Pavilion No.1.
Key Associated Events
1. The 18th edition of the Practical Business Forum includes the round table on the results of school uniform manufacture and its future prospects. The discussions are organized by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade with support of Expocentre.
2. The 14th edition of the Russian Trade Forum on the Market of Goods for Children.
3. The Purchasing Centre for Retail Chains™ of Children Clothes, Footwear, Accessories offers face-to-face talks between suppliers of clothes, footwear and accessories for children and buyers and executives of retail chains, including such well-known ones as Detsky Mir, Mamsy, Monetka, Dochki-Synochki, Malysh, VotOnYa, etc.
4. The Children's Catwalk presents
Workshop on buying and reselling with no items left
Workshop on a retail store: how to attract and keep a customer who saves money
Workshop on visual merchandising and design of children stores. How to avoid mistakes in the very beginning and create an effective store. Global trends in designing fashion stores
Master class on how to increase sales with the help of the right lighting
Workshop on how to increase efficiency of a shop assistant
Session "Business mom. How to be successful in your business and happy in your family life"
5. Yellow Banana and Expocentre AO organize a conference on secrets of increasing sales of children’s goods via the Internet. The conference includes competitions for exhibitors for the Best Online Store for a Customer and the Best Website for a Buyer.
6. On the last day of the exhibition, ANO Souzexpertiza of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Expocentre hold the award ceremony for the winners in the International Competition of Goods for Children and Teenagers.
To learn more about the event schedule, go to https://www.cjf-expo.ru/en/events/.
CJF is open from 10.00 to 18.00 on February 19-21, and from 10.00 to 16.00 on February 22.
Expocentre Press Service