Visitor guidelines at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds

Dear visitors,

Thank you for coming to EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds. We would like to remind you that the following rules of conduct, designed to ensure your safety, security and comfort should be observed at our premises.

1. Admission to EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds is by visitor badges. The badges are issued after registration to the event upon presentation of an invitation, personal e-ticket or ticket bought in one of EXPOCENTRE’s ticket offices, and a printed copy of the visitor questionnaire.

2. On days when admission is restricted to professional visitors, the age limit is in place. The age restrictions can be found at the official website, registration desks, invitations, personal e-tickets and tickets bought in ticket offices of EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds.

3. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by adults.

4. The entrance to EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds is via entrances indicated at the official website of the event. You can also find them at the fairgrounds general layout.

5. All visitors and their belongings are subject to security checks at the entrances to EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds (the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No.35 from 06.03.2006 “On Counteraction Against Terrorism”, the Law of the Russian Federation No.2487-1 from 11.03.1992 “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation”, the Moscow City Law No.45 from 21.11.2007 “The Code of Administrative Offenses of the City of Moscow”, the Recommendations on Additional Measures on Provision of Security at Crowded Places from 04.02.2011 of the Expert Council under the Commission on Security of the Moscow City Duma, and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No.150 from 13.12.1996 “On Arms and Weapons”).

6. The visitors are obliged to comply with the requirements of the organisers of exhibitions and other events to comply with the rules made for consumer protection and human well-being.

7. Fire evacuation maps are located at the entrances to all exhibition pavilions. Visitors should get familiar with evacuation routes in case of emergency.

8. In case of emergency at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, visitors must follow instructions given by EXPOCENTRE personnel and security guards.

9. Unattended or suspicious items found at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds must be immediately reported to EXPOCENTRE personnel, security guards or information desks in exhibition halls.

10. It is prohibited to

  • give exhibitor and visitor badges to third parties;
  • bring any types of fire arms, gas spray arms, and cold steel arms;
  • bring explosives, flammable materials, any type of pyrotechnics, toxic, poisonous, and caustic agents and substances;
  • bring and take alcoholic drinks, narcotic and psychotropic substances; be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or otherwise intoxicated;
  • bring pets/animals;
  • enter areas and premises closed to the general public; use restricted, service and personnel entrances and gates;
  • cross traffic lanes outside pedestrian crossings inside the fairgrounds marked off by solid lines, as well as walk on traffic lanes;
  • use bikes, scooters, roller blades, roller skates or other similar transport or sports devices;
  • carry out actions, which can pose a risk to the property of EXPOCENTRE, risk to health, life and property of other people, or present a risk to public order and safety at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds;
  • organise and carry out unpermitted public meetings, demonstrations, picketing, and other types of unauthorised promotional events and flash mobs;
  • write, paint; place, paste up and distribute printed materials, posters, flyers and other information and promotional products; carry out propaganda;
  • beg, litter;
  • leave children unattended;
  • have clothes, luggage, items, foodstuffs which can soil clothes of other people and exhibits;   
  • smoke both indoors and outdoors except at specially allocated places designated as Smoking Area with yellow lines (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No.15 from 23.02.2013 “On the Protection of Public Health from Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Consequences of Tobacco Use”);
  • impede the performance of duties of EXPOCENTRE personnel and security guards, fail to follow their instructions to observe the present guidelines, keep public peace, and comply with access rules.  

11. The following actions could result in being denied entry or asked to leave EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds without a refund for the admission ticket:

  • refuse to undergo security search, including inspection of personal belongings;
  • be found under the influence of alcohol or drugs or otherwise intoxicated;
  • bring to the fairgrounds/be in possession of items prohibited at the fairgrounds;
  • carry out any actions which constitute a menace to the public order and safety, including begging;
  • failure to adhere to the present guidelines and to comply with demands of officials according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

If necessary, violators could be reported to the law enforcement authorities.

12. At EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds visitors can

  • seek first-aid assistance;
  • receive information about events ran at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds;
  • inform the EXPOCENTRE personnel about shortcomings of the event.

Have a nice visit to EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds!