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Андрей Дарьинский, директор по развитию «ЗЕНОН-ТЕХНИК»

Andrey Darynsky, Zenon-Technic Development Director

Our company represents equipment, expendables, and technologies at the Reklama exhibition. We operate three large stands. Our company distributes equipment from China, South Korea, and Japan. We have been the Reklama participant since the very beginning, and have missed only one edition so far. This is the main exhibition for our industry. Our clients will be worried if we are not here. Participation in Reklama is part of the company’s image. We try to demonstrate as many new products and technologies as possible.

The number of visitors has increased this year. A probable reason is that the exhibition has been moved to October. As a rule, September is a busy month for advertisers because of government orders and the election period… Besides, I think that Pavilion No.2 is more convenient for exhibitors, as arrivals and departures are easier here. We feel positive this year because of the number of visitors, the location, and the access to Expocentre. We like it very much.

This exhibition is important for our company. See you here next year.

Александр Евссев, генеральный директор компании «СТАНКОМ»

Alexander Yevseyev, STANKOM General Director

Our company supplies CNC machine tools, which can make various advertising products, to every part of the country, from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad, as well as to former Soviet republics and other countries.

We are very lucky with the stand this year. It is located in the middle of the visitor flow. We are approached by many new clients who have not been aware of our machine tools and their capacities before. Many are very impressed by what they see. It is a big advantage of the Reklama exhibition that technical equipment of its pavilions allows to demonstrate machine tools in action and their products, and explain working principles. This is a big plus.

Our long-standing clients and partners from the most remote regions visit us at the exhibition. They can compare our new equipment with the equipment of our rivals, and draw conclusions about specifications, prices, etc.

We like the exhibition very much. It is well organized, and has many visitors. Ninety percent of the visitors who come to our stand are our target audience. Only a handful of people have not dealt with CNC machine tools before, but even they become potential clients after they see our products. We will be participating in the exhibition next year.

Аркадий Агамиров, руководитель компании BIGPRINTER

Arkady Agamirov, Bigprinter CEO

We make equipment. We own a production facility of 5,000 square metres, which will soon grow to 11,000. We are a resident of Skolkovo. We have participated in this exhibition since 2003 or so, and have never missed it. We like the Reklama exhibition. I should say that your managers, who lease premises, work very well. They help us find convenient pavilion locations. Of course, we will come to the Reklama exhibition next year again.

I can tell you this about visitors. If we make a relevant product and sell it at a relevant price, a good product will find a good buyer at a good exhibition.

Александр Чупикин, директор компании «ХИМСЫРЬЕ»

Alexander Chupikin, Khimsyrio Director

Our company supplies component parts for production of advertising materials. We are a long-standing participant in the Reklama exhibition.

I think we have more visitors this year than in the previous one. Mostly, these are target visitors, the industry specialists. We do not seek to gain the maximum number of orders at this exhibition. We view it largely as an image event. We know many people here and meet with our old clients, which come from all regions for the sake of business networking. We have new clients, too.

Андрей Школьный, руководитель отдела развития продаж цифрового оборудования компании Terra Systems

Andrey Shkolny, Terra Systems, Head of Digital Equipment Sales

We are a trade-and-service company. We supply new cutting plotters. This is our first Reklama exhibition. Our main goal is to find new clients and develop our business. We also negotiate with clients, who have made an appointment with us for this exhibition. We are visited by people from various regions of Russia and CIS countries. Our stand is so busy we have not had time to walk around the exhibition. Hopefully, we will achieve good results and sign new contracts. We will continue to participate in this exhibition.

Азат Насыров, менеджер по продажам компании «Светотехника Востока»

Azat Nasyrov, Svetotekhnika Vostoka, Sales Manager

We supply LED screen component parts. Company products are broadly used in display lighting. We have been participating in every Reklama exhibition for the past seven years. Each time we present our new products. We are looking for dealers who will buy our products or make them in various regions of Russia and CIS countries. We are enlarging our client database with new partners at this exhibition because the advertising business is not static. We are satisfied with the influx of visitors and the quality of target audience. We are visited by many new clients in addition to our long-standing partners. The exhibition is perfectly governed. Everything is on a high level.

Сергей Буянов, менеджер по продажам компании «РусскоМ граФикс»

Sergey Buyanov, RussCom-Graphiks, Sales Manager

Our company is the official distributor of Mimaki equipment in Russia. Reklama is our focus. There are lots of clients. Each year we demonstrate new products as soon as they emerge. This exhibition has always been very productive for us. This is a meeting point with old clients so that we could continue to network and develop business relations, and a great number of new and potential clients. The exhibition is highly effective. As always, we appreciate its good governance.

We cannot miss Reklama. We have to be here to demonstrate to the entire advertising business that we continue to develop. We simply cannot miss this event.