subscribe to news Sergey Bednov speaks at the Council of Heads of CCI of Russia

A meeting of the Council of Heads of CCI of Russia has taken place at the Snegiri Resort Hotel in the Moscow region.

Chairman of the CCI of Russia Committee on Exhibitions, Fairs, and Conventions, Expocentre Director General Sergey Bednov delivered a speech on “topical aspects of activities of CCI of Russia committees and councils, and civil councils operating under business chambers.” He noted that the Committee’s sphere of interests embraced practically every area of raising the efficiency of exhibitions, fairs, and conventions including laws, physical infrastructure, professional training, customs regulation, and other issues. Visiting sessions in regions, which involve representatives of the authorities, business, industries, and professional community allow the Committee to develop a better awareness of the work’s essence.

The Committee has been holding visiting expanded meetings in regions for over a decade with the support of chambers of commerce and industry. Six visiting sessions have been arranged by the Committee over the past two years. The visiting meetings address the role of exhibitions in broadening regional industrial exports, developing inter-regional trade and economic relations, and some other issues. Organisational and information support of chambers is a mandatory element of success and efficiency of the Committee’s work in this format, Bednov said.

Visiting sessions of the Committee give an advantage of studying regional experience of using the exhibition mechanism in the development of economic relations, he said. Another interesting form of the Committee’s activity is visiting expanded meetings, which are held as part of supporting programs of major events. For instance, the Committee will hold the 9th meeting on the sidelines of the Eurasian Event, which is actively supported by the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry and brings together representatives of many regions and foreign guests.

In conclusion Sergey Bednov said that the Committee’s practice of visiting sessions would be relevant for a long time, considering that it gives an opportunity to uncover and study problems faced by the regional business community and to elaborate recommendations on their solution by means of the streamlined exhibition mechanism.

Press Service, Expocentre AO