subscribe to news An exhibition for modern bakery opened


Today, the international exhibition for bakery and confectionery market - MODERN BAKERY MOSCOW | CONFEX 2023- starts its work at Expocentre Fairgrounds, which will run until 24 March. It is organised by Hefera Media OOO.

This year, in connection with the expansion of the confectionery part of the exhibition, MODERN BAKERY MOSCOW has changed its name to MODERN BAKERY MOSCOW | CONFEX.

Around 200 companies from Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Turkiye, the Czech Republic and, for the first time, exhibitors from Vietnam are taking part in the 4,500 sq. m (net) exposition. The thematic sections include: food technology and equipment; ingredients and raw materials; packaging, storage and transport of food products; equipment for bakeries and confectioneries; refrigeration equipment and technology; hygiene of production.

During the conference programme of the exhibition master classes from renowned professionals of the bakery and confectionery industries, workshops with analysis of business cases will be held. A wide range of networking opportunities are available.

For owners of restaurant, bakery and confectionery businesses there will be a public talk "Business speaks", which will present anti-crisis ideas and ways of promoting products for small and medium-sized businesses.

The conference "Own production as a competitive advantage of retail chains" for managers of own production, retail chains and kitchen factories and international business forum "Confex. Confectionery expertise" will be held.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO