subscribe to news Russian Health Care Week 2018: vast feedback in professional community

Feedback of the participants and visitors to the Russian Health Care Week 2018 held on December, 2-7 which brought together leading health care shows and supporting events.

Татьяна Батышева, главный детский реабилитолог Минздрава РФ

Tatyana Batysheva, Chief Rehabilitation Expert of the Russian Ministry of Health Care

"The Russian Health Care Week is one of the most outstanding events of the year. First of all, I would like to thank the organizers of this festival, Expocentre Director General Sergey Bednov and his wonderful team. They could create a unique environment at the forum which has been attended today by many of my colleagues from different regions of Russia and, of course, from Moscow. I am a representative of both federal and Moscow government structures. We are engaged in prevention of non-communicable diseases and we speak about a healthy lifestyle, and therefore, about health of future parents and their children.

Health care consists of different sectors of industry which are often not connected with each other, such as health resort business. For our children it is very important to have the third stage of rehabilitation namely the health resort one. Physicians and parents of our small patients can learn about unique health resorts of our country presented at the trade show."

Алексей Хрипун, министр Правительства Москвы, руководитель Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы

Aleksey Khripun, Minister of Government of Moscow, Head of Health Care Department of Moscow

"The Moscow Health Assembly has run for the 17th time already, but for the first time at Expocentre. We are satisfied with the choice of the venue that we have made because this year the number of participants so far amounts to about 10,000 people who have registered, come or will attend the Assembly.

We see that all Expocentre's departments work very well. They have created perfect conditions for our work. Everybody paid attention to it. That is why I would like to convey our great gratitude to Expocentre's management. Thank you very much."

Игорь Платонов, генеральный секретарь Всемирной организации медицинского туризма

Igor Platonov, Secretary General of World Medical Tourism Organization (WMTO)

"The trade shows devoted to medical tourism in Russia are not numerous. It is a great pleasure for us that Expocentre, Russia's central fairgrounds, holds trade shows in relevant areas included in government priority projects of our country.

The MedTravelExpo exhibition has attracted not only Russian operators working in the medical tourism sector, but also raised interest in our foreign colleagues and partners who offer the opportunities of foreign clinics and international medical tourism. The trade show brought together a lot of industry experts engaged in health care and other sectors related to medical tourism. We highly appreciate the trade show. We regularly take part in it and will do it in the future."

Ирина Турчинская, тренер и диетолог, ведущая телешоу «Взвешенные люди»

Irina Turchinskaya, Coach and Dietician, Hostess of Weighted and Happy People TV Show

"It is worth noting that there were a lot of stands really interesting to attend and network with representatives of different companies. It is a real industry event where professionals hear each other, understand each other, and see common difficulties and development trends. All this contributes to increase in the level of competence and qualification as well as to inspiration. I am very satisfied with the things I have seen at the trade show."

Альберт Салиев, генеральный директор компании «Русский доктор»

Albert Saliyev, Director General of Russian Doc

"Our company has taken part in the Russian Health Care Week for the sixth time. Every year we arrange a new stand and a new collection. Our company has launched its own brand "Enigma" lately. At our stand we showcase an expanded new collection of this brand.

The Russian Doc products are presented in more than 70 cities of Russia, the partnership network consists of more than 200 companies selling our products in the regions. Most of these customers attend the stand to see new products, touch them, network with personal managers, and meet CEOs. The negotiations with key partners are constantly held in the meeting room at the stand.

The aim of our participation is not to make a profit at once but to make investments in the future and in the image. Russian Doc should be at the trade show, should meet its guests and partners, tell about new collections, and discuss plans for the future. In this regard the trade show is effective for us every year. Next year we plan to be here at the same place. We will certainly prepare something bright, new and surprising for the target audience, our customers and partners."

Антон Зуев, менеджер по маркетингу BEKA RUS

Anton Zuev, Marketing Manager of Beka Rus

"We have participated in the Zdravookhraneniye exhibition for more than ten years in a row. It is the main event of the year. Here we meet all our customers and professors with whom we maintain relations and exchange results of the year.

This year we decided to put on display less medical equipment and leave more space for negotiations. Among our equipment there is equipment for rehabilitation of functions of upper limbs, a corner of physiotherapeutic equipment, shockwave therapy, laser and multimodal therapy, anti-gravity race track to assist after joint replacement, and equipment for active and passive development such as bicycles and group therapy for increasing involvement of patients in rehabilitation.

Our equipment has wonderful functions which our competitors do not have. For example, the anti-gravity race track, there are no such developments for weight uploading of patients in other countriess. Group therapy of active and passive simulators can be used by four patients at the same time. Neither of our competitors has such equipment in this class.

Our products arouse particular interest in physical therapists and heads of physiotherapy departments. There were representatives from the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus), Georgia, and many regions of Russia. We like to be at this trade show."

Алексей Белоусов, начальник лаборатории АО «НПО «СПЛАВ»

Aleksey Belousov, Head of Laboratory of NPO Splav

"The Tecmach and Rostec stands feature medical equipment jointly developed with Russian universities such as Moscow State University and the Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics.

Equipment for diagnostics and treatment aroused great interest. The equipment assesses people's health, diagnoses, and prescribes treatment without involvement of physicians. But, of course, the final decision rests with a physician.

We have participated in Zdravookhraneniye for the fifth time already. We always showcase the most interesting products of high intellectual potential. The products presented by us do not have analogues either in Russia or in the world. The trade show is necessary to see your own level and the level of others. Our products were interesting for shipments to Syria and even to the Arab Emirates.

I and my colleagues are quite satisfied with the trade show organization. I think our company's management will definitely take a decision to participate in the trade show next year. I believe one of the operating models presented by us here will be a ready-made medical product next year. We will try not to be left behind but even outperform competitors."

Константин Нагорный, коммерческий директор medi RUS LLC

Konstantin Nagorny, Commercial Director of medi RUS LLC/ Russian Subsidiary of medi GmbH & Co. KG

"We are representatives of a famous brand of compression garments. We usually bring only new products to the trade show. medi is a regular participant in Zdravookhraneniye. This year we did not expect to see so many customers who would like to work with us. It is encouraging that representatives of other companies including Russian ones come to network with us and adopt our experience.

Market leaders always gather at this trade show. It is very comfortable here and all the partners and the target audience from final customer (physician) to business partners know quite well where to go and what to see. They do not have any problems with navigation when attending the trade show. It is very convenient.

We don't have any problems in engineering terms. Here is quite a good acoustics, if you need silence, meeting rooms are quiet enough. There are user-friendly connections, sockets, and WiFi.

For our brand it is an industry event where we have always participated and will participate."

Владислав Шерстобоев, первый заместитель генерального директора компании «НИКАМЕД»

Vladislav Sherstoboev, First Deputy Director General of Nikamed

"We participate in the trade show every year. It is an important event for us where we invite our partners for over 11 years. We are the largest company which has its own retail orthopedic network. There are two flows of people. The first one has known us well for a long time (a larger part) and the second part consists of new entrepreneurs.

This year there is a great interest in our products on the part of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. We generate new contacts. The strategy of our company involves entries to the former USSR countries to expand our business. That is why we hold our own distribution conference within the trade show for the 11th time.

We usually start preparing for the trade show in summer. It is the time when the concept is created."

Оад Шахар, основатель Kaizen

Oad Shakhar, Founder of Kaizen

"We have created a personal program on rejuvenation of each person based on biological and genetic analyses.

I have seen a well-organized trade show. The location of the fairgrounds in the centre of Moscow allows to get quickly and conveniently (with less traffic jams) to the trade show. Of course, I will come next year and promise to surprise visitors. But for now it is a secret."

Александр Элинсон, генеральный директор НИПК «Электрон»

Alexander Elinson, Director General of NIPK Electron

"We all know that health care is a traditional trend which has a lot of customs observed year after year. We all know that the Zdravookhraneniye exhibition is held early in December. It is a meting point for the industry participants. This year we present unique medical facility which we would like to see at every regional hospital. 

While going around the trade show, we have seen that the Russian industry makes more and more new products. We wish the people who today present the products "made in Russia" to showcase their products at international trade shows in the future. The aim is to make products sought-after abroad and tell about successful exports.

Expocentre faces the challenge. The speed of changes is enormous today. Expocentre manages to adapt to these changes. We wish Expocentre not to slow down and even get ahead of the events offering the market new formats."

Дмитрий Исаенко, генеральный директор Консорциума «РУСЭКСПОРТ»

Dmitry Isaenko, Director General of Rusexport

"We make quality banya interiors and accessories. We accepted the offer to participate in MedTravelExpo with great pleasure because Expocentre is a landmark fairground for Russia and for our company. We first exhibited here in 2004.

Participation in the trade show is not only prestigious for us but also responsible. It is necessary to make a nice stand and a good collection and surprise the trade show participants and visitors."

Татьяна Фатеева, руководитель развития и рекламы компании «ФАТЕЕВЫ БАНИ»

Tatyana Fateeva, Head of Development and Advertising of Fateevy Bani

"In the centre of Moscow there is held an ambitious trade show MedTravelExpo devoted to banya as well as health care and youth. We are in the right place. Over the four days there were a lot of visitors and individual buyers. We sold our exhibit, a cedar banya, right here. It will be taken to Krasnodar by the same trailer. At the forum devoted to bathhouses we get acquainted with our colleagues.

We have been awarded with a certificate of participation and it is very important for us. We will post it on our website and in social networks.

We came into Expocentre Fairgrounds without problems and put our banya in the pavilion. Thank you to the organizers. We'll definitely come back next year and show our new products. We hope for positive results and positive communication."

Тосихидэ Нонака, управляющий директор International Lumbago Clinic

Tosikhide Nonaka, Managing Director of International Lumbago Clinic

"Earlier we participated in other trade shows devoted to medical tourism. It is our first time at MedTravelExpo. A lot of patients and citizens of Russia showed great interest in our clinic, that is why we decided to present it here this year. At this trade show there were more representatives of medical tourism agencies and health cares of Russia. Patients were at the trade show as well. We managed to establish contacts with many agencies and health centres.

In the future we plan to start rehabilitation programs in Russia. For us, an international clinic, it is very important to take part in such events since many patients and agents do not have any other opportunity to learn about treatment abroad. When participating in such events we can tell about our methods of treatment to broad public. We will consider an opportunity of participation in the trade show next year. Holding of a trade show at Expocentre has a number of benefits. One of them is Expocentre's convenient location not far from the centre of Moscow. Foreign participants can easily enough come to Moscow and get to Expocentre to present their services and health centres."

Сэм Авад, генеральный директор GMTP

Sam Awad, Director General of GMTP

"Our company is an operator that provides treatment in Greece. We are interested in the trade show since here we meet Russian patients, tour operators, agents, and clinics with which we could cooperate. The patients were interested in the opportunity of disease treatment and rehabilitation in Greece.

The Russian market is very large. That is why to be at such trade shows is very important since here we can meet not only representatives of Moscow but different regions of Russia. People interested in treatment abroad come to MedTravelExpo. We are interested in cooperation with Russian industry experts who have treatment methods which are absent in Europe.

We are satisfied with our participation and plan to be at the trade show next year. MedTravelExpo opened for us an opportunity of cooperation with different Russian companies and clinics to organize treatment in Russia."

Со Хи Вон, менеджер международного медицинского отдела HIMCHAN HOSPITAL

Seo Hee Won, Manager of International Department, Himchan Hospital

"Himchan Hospital is a specialized orthopedic hospital. We have heard about MedTravelExpo last year but did not manage to take part in it. We had a great wish to participate in this health care show. We booked a stand at the 2nd edition in advance and are very glad to be here. Today is the fourth day of the trade show: we have had a lot of meetings with physicians, medical agencies and health resorts not only from Russia but also West Europe and the Baltic countries.

People show great interest in South Korea since in comparison with European countries South Korea provides cheaper quality service. Apart from work at the stand we have participated in conferences and business meetings where we told about the health care system in South Korea. The attendees asked a lot of questions showing interest in treatment in South Korea. We are glad to participate in MedTravelExpo. I hope that our report on work at this trade show will contribute to increasing a number of South Korean clinics that will participate in the next exhibition.

We are satisfied with organization of the show. We liked that other trade shows on related themes were collocated with MedTravelExpo. We established contacts with the companies from different countries on joint replacement and rehabilitation. Participation in this trade show and conferences helped up find new partners.